Digital Preservation
"Team Digital Preservation and the Deadly Cryptic Conundrum" is the latest video animation which attempts to raise awareness and share infomrtion on the importance of digital preservation of scientific and other data. It's only a couple of minutes long, and it's highly entertaining.
It's part of a the Representation Information and the Registry and Repository of Representation Information (RRORI) initiative.
The University of Toronto's own founding director of the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute, Prof. Seamus Ross, was part of the team that established that and related initaitives, as co-principal investigator on four major European Commission co-funded projects including Preservation and Long-term Access through NETworked Services (Planets), and as principal director of DigitalPreservationEurope. Prof. Ross was appointed the new dean of the Faculty of Information Studies for a seven-year term effective Jan.1, 2009. Learn more about the facult and its research here: